Sawubona – We see You
“Words reflect as well as influence the way people think.” Lidia Pretorius, White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2016) Tweet Persons with
“Words reflect as well as influence the way people think.” Lidia Pretorius, White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2016) Tweet Persons with
I began my short-lived career as an occupational therapist at Kalafong Hospital in a township just outside Pretoria in 1986, at the height of racial
There are 3 things that are very important when promoting mental well-being: 1. Build confidence and resilience. 2. Affirm ourselves. 3. Build emotional intelligence and
Life coaching focuses on mental well-being. We assist people in discovering their mojo (character strengths), their purpose, their passions. They become more confident in taking
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted an often-forgotten dimension of health promotion – the importance of mental well-being had been highlighted for everyone. And if so for